When: August 2011
Where: AyaCon
Ookami-san from Ookami-san to shichinin no nakama-tachi (オオカミさんと七人の仲間たち) is a strong interdependent character with a big temper. Even though not many people recognised the costume I loved making it and cosplaying her.
Photos taken by the awesome Nert at ManyLemons.co.uk
Where: AyaCon
Ookami-san from Ookami-san to shichinin no nakama-tachi (オオカミさんと七人の仲間たち) is a strong interdependent character with a big temper. Even though not many people recognised the costume I loved making it and cosplaying her.
Photos taken by the awesome Nert at ManyLemons.co.uk
You can see the progress and construction images of this costume on Ookami Cosplay Construction.
I like this screen cap ^-^ It signifies perfectly the relationship between the two of them at the beginning of the series. We also have Ryoushi (cosplayed by the amazing Steve -character in white shirt) and Tarou (cosplayed by the flouncy Andrew -character in black shirt).